The camera may shift from its very own third-person point of view to side scrolling or overhead view. Just limited it happened in Nier, 2010 in the navigation in some of the common environments. Apart from the basic navigation on foot, with the use of a specific item, the players can summon any wild animal for riding, and in some of the major scenarios, there is a pilot who flies a mech for fighting his enemies. Nier Automata is an action-based role-playing game where the players play the role of all combat androids from units of YoRHa in an open world. The writer of this story is Yoko and references from many philosophies are used to explore the theme of looking for value in life. The main aim was to make the Nier gang true to the spirit of the authentic, while parallel making a better system of combat. The game needs several playthroughs and each one can unlock extra elements in the story.

These extra endings are more of a game over and events that trigger by carrying out some actions, not just moving ahead in the narrative. The story keeps following trials of battle in the android 2B and 9S scanner android. It has been set in a proxy war between the machines created by aliens and androids crafted by humans.

There are different 26 endings with 5 main endings which have the A to E with 21 added endings with letters F to Z. The game was originally launched for Windows and PlayStation 4 through Steam and a separate port for Xbox One that is published the next year with another subtitle named Become as gods. The game in itself is a spin-off and follow-up of the Drakengard series. It is a follow-up version to the video game named Nier that was released in 2010. The developer of this game is Platinum Games and the publisher is Square Enix. Nier Automata is an action-based role-playing game that was released in 2017.