MasterTemplate is the culmination of hundreds of hours of development by two Archicad Masters with a total of over 50 years of experience: Eric Bobrow (former reseller, trainer, and tech support expert) and Scott Bulmer (architect, consultant and developer). With over 1,600 licensed users, it is the most popular independent ArchiCAD template system in the world. MasterTemplate is the most robust project template commercially available – a customizable solution that will make a huge difference in how you work in Archicad.

They’ll already be in the project file, ready to access. You won’t have to redo the same things over and over again. When you have a really good office template that embeds Best Practices methods into the file structure, you’ll be able to minimize much of those tedious tasks, and put the time to better use. It has a huge number of settings that affect the look and performance of your project files, and it’s often hard to know exactly what you need to change, and where to focus your efforts, to get the best results. Archicad is a complex marvel of technology that takes time to master.